Thursday 16 October 2014

Polygon Experiment in Photoshop
I created this image of the queen in Photoshop using polygons.
 I decided to use a union jack flag as a background, 
slightly transparent so as not to overpower the main image.

Image and type

Experimenting with image, type and colour

Poster 1: For this design I chose to emphasise the word 'personalities' by making it the largest element on the page, breaking it into two and choosing an unusual font which has personality! The quote also talks about different personalities so the typeface lent itself to this because each character is slightly different. I chose not to use much colour in this design because I wanted the usual typeface to be the focal point and I didn't want to distract from this.
Poster 2: I chose a simple approach for this poster because the font is simple and minimalistic in style and I wanted this to be emphasised. I chose to put the type down the left hand side for clarity and to balance the design.
Poster 3: I chose two fonts with character to reinforce the message of the quote. The feminine pink was chosen for the same reason.
Poster 4: I wanted a fairly simple font with a slight twist, so this was a good font choice. I chose to put each word on a new lines, which gives it an added dimension of interest because the words are all varying lengths.
I chose to put a black background so that the text would stand out better.
Poster 5: I made a decision to align the text in the bottom right hand corner of the design because your eyes are naturally drawn from the man's eyes to that corner of the page. I chose to emphasise two of the strongest words 'sweat' and 'sacrifice' using a bold red. Red symbolises action which works well with this particular quote and also the image which shows someone who may have been doing some kind of sport. I added a drop shadow to the text to help the white font to stand out on the cream background.
Poster 6: The two focal points of my design are the man's eyes and the word 'forgive' which creates a lot of emotion. I chose a very simple font to compliment the simple black and white image and to keep your attention of the focal points. The key word has been outlined for impact and the text all aligned to create a simple but effective design.