Wednesday 16 March 2016

Maple leaf idea

Post by Clare.

I was able to get my hands on some dried maple leaves and wondered if they could be useful for our project. One of the USPs of Spoon cereal is that it is made with pure maple syrup. I decided to scan the leaves into my computer to see whether they could be used in our design. These are my experiments.

Original Scanned Maple leaves

Photoshop edited leaf

Idea as to how Maple leaf could be incorporated into packaging design.

The leaf colour could be varied depending on the flavour. Although this light green leaf doesn't work as well against the brown paper. I like the texture of the maple leaf.

Experiments using the leaves to create a pattern.

I wondered whether the pattern could be used on the side of the packaging.

 Having created this mock-up I thought that the maple leaf didn't really work as a pattern because it was a bit too fussy, I wondered whether a simpler black and white pattern might work better.

This worked better, however I still feel that the styles aren't working too well together.
The pattern on the side panel is bold and contemporary and the front feels more old-fashioned.
I like the small triangular side panel. 

I will work on some more ideas later.