Friday 24 April 2015

1950s retro fabric design

1950s and 1960s Retro Fabric Design

For one of my projects I am designing fabric for a shop fitting room. The shop is called 'The Vintage Boutique' and sells vintage closing. I am inspired by 1950s and 1960s floral fabrics and I am also inspired by clothing and accessories of the time. Fabric of these decades often featured polka dots, so I may incorporate this in some of my work. These are some patterns which I created in Illustrator.

Experiments and Ideas

Final pattern

After experimenting with different colours, layouts and patterns, I combined the successful elements together to create this final pattern. I decided that I liked the regular pattern repeat, the illustrations of the accessories and the neutral and red colour scheme best.  I have sent my fabric tile off to 'Woven Monkey' to be printed.

Monday 13 April 2015

Contextual Studies Research
For my research and presentation project, I decided that I would like to look at the print industry and how it has been affected by the digital world. I am interested to find out if the digital world is replacing print, especially in the area of magazine publications. I began by looking at some popular articles on the internet and realised that it is a subject that has been widely discussed, making it good area for research. I will investigate other statistical sources and academic journals. I would also like to gather, if possible, some information from those who are working directly in the print industry. 

Thursday 2 April 2015

Personal Business Card

This evening I was working on some initial ideas for my business card.
I have chosen the name 'Zion Design' for my business.
I began by creating my own typography in illustrator to form a logo.
I also experimented with some business card designs which I will develop and refine further.

These are some of my developed ideas for my business card.

After getting some feedback on my ideas I decided to work on some alternative designs.
These are my latest business card concepts.

I am getting closer to creating a business card design that I am happy with. I like the bright bold colour schemes of these latest designs, but I feel that they might be a bit too busy.