Saturday 7 November 2015

Chidren's Books

 Trainspotting Poster Inspiration

In our lesson we looked at the work of the design house, Stylorouge, and in particular their iconic trainspotting poster. At the time the film poster was ground-breaking because it was totally different from how designers usually created film posters. The poster did not focus on any particular character and it did not give much idea away as to the subject of the film. Since then, the design style has been used over and over again. 

Our task was to create a series of 4 posters for 4 books not showing the main character in the conventional way. I decided I would focus on 4 iconic children book characters but not use the whole character as you would usually. The characters in my posters are so well known that even if it is only half of their head being shown, you would instantly recognise them. I drew the illustrations in illustrator (based on pictures of the characters) to give them a common look and feel. I went for bright bold colours suitable to a children's book poster. I also added a character profile on each as a finishing touch. This is also in the style of the trainspotting poster.

I am really happy with my finished posters and may adapt this idea to use for my final Waterstone's Christmas campaign, perhaps giving them a Christmas-themed patterned background.

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