Tuesday 24 November 2015

Branding Swat Analysis

SWOT Analysis for my brand of healthy drink

  • Appealing packaging makes us strand out from our competitors 
  • Marketing plan to target children
  • There is a gap in the market for a product like this, that is healthy and appealing to children
  • The nutritional benefits of my product are easy to market to parents
  • Lower price point than high end competitors (e.g. Innocent)
  • Shorter shelf life of fresh fruit drinks, storage in fridge may be necessary
  • Not able to compete in price with those offering lower quality drinks that don't contain real fruit
  • Having to market the idea that vegetable drinks would taste good
  • Market research was on a small scale so results may not be accurate.
  • My target market is limited to parents

  • Opportunities to partner with other businesses who may stock my product, for example coffee shops and super markets.
  • Government initiates to promote healthy eating among children will help my campaign.
  • My competitors weaknesses, for example the uninspiring packaging design

  • Threat from Innocent smoothies who have recently launched a vegetable drink.
  • Negative publicity
  • Competitors developing more better packaging for their drinks
  • Competitors, like Fruit Shoot and Capri Sun more affordable to working class parents. them my product

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