Sunday 1 March 2015

Coca Cola Group Presentation

We were put into groups for a research and presentation project. Our group decided to look at Coca Cola because it is one of the most successful brands in the world. We wanted to look at whether Coca Cola's success over Pepsi is due to the taste of the product or because of their brand. We suspected it was due to their brand and advertising. In our group we decided that there were three areas we should research.

1) Primary research - Surveying to find people's views and blind taste testing
2) Logo and packaging through the ages
3) Advertising campaigns and social media.

We divided the work out among ourselves. During our 2nd lesson, myself and John organised the blind taste testing to find out people's preferences. We also did a general survey to ask people whether they preferred Coke
or Pepsi. Interestingly the research revealed that although 85% of people claimed to prefer Coca Cola, in blind taste testing only 50% of people preferred the taste of Coca Cola over Pepsi.

I also did some research online to find out whether any similar research has been one on a larger scale. I found some interesting research done by a neuro-scientist suggesting that people respond differently in taste tests when they see the brand name Coca Cola. I put the information together in a Powerpoint presentation.
We agreed to continue working on it at home and I would put together the presentation.

Unfortunately on the day when we were to give our presentation, my group members were absent and I didn't have their research, so I just presented the parts that I worked on. For this reason, I feel that our research was a bit limited and not as thorough as I would have liked it to have been.  I enjoyed giving the presentation to the class and felt it went quite well in spite of having to do it on my own.

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