Monday 30 March 2015

Malibu Packaging Experiments

In our lesson today we worked on collage techniques in Photoshop.
I created this design which may be suitable for my Malibu packaging.

I began by creating overlapping leaf shapes on a layer and used the multiply effect to separate the shapes out into sections. Once I had my shapes, I used different imported textures to fill in sections of my shapes. I adjusted the colours by desaturating the shapes and adjusting the hue and saturation. I added the flower and coconut shapes (black vector shapes) and filled them in with different textures. I added a watercolour background. I am quite happy with the outcome and think the concept could work in the other Malibu flavour ranges.

 I then thought about whether this technique could be used to create a background pattern for my bottle. 
Here is the pattern I created. 

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