Monday 2 March 2015



In our lesson today we looked at how designers use juxtaposition to create controversial and memorable designs. We were given a brief to design exhibition posters using this principle.

For the first poster, the exhibition was based on the how peoples' concept of beauty has changed through history. I chose this striking image of a woman with piercings all over her face. Piercings are controversial because some people find them beautiful while some people find them ugly. I like this particular image because the woman has heavy make-up on which also creates an impact because in our culture make-up is associated with enhancing beauty. 

For the exhibition about love being blind, I decided to use imagery of a snake because some people ready love snakes, while other people really hate them. This particular image is striking because the snake is in the shape of a heart which ties in with the theme of love. On another level I like the imagery of a snake because snakes can be associated with evil and temptation, with the idea being that sometimes people end up in bad relationships with the wrong people, because they are blind when they fall in love. 

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