Friday 9 October 2015


In this module we are studying infographics, a way of presenting information in a visually interesting or accessible way.
The London underground map is a good example of a successful informative infographic.
Infographics are growing in popularity and are also used for less serious subject matters.
I particularly liked these fun infographics.

We were given the task of making an infographic using some government figures from . The information was very dry and hard to digest, so we had the task of extracting some of the information and presenting it in a way the audience could understand. I chose to focus on the aspect of government spending, comparing across government departments. I decided to convert the information into percentages, so the figures could be easily compared. I decided to present these percentages as pictograms of varying sizes.  I created the icons in illustrator.  I then added a textured background in photoshop to improve the overall presentation. This is my Infographic below.

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