Thursday 1 October 2015

Tea poster using stencils

Stencils in Design
Stencils can be used to create texture on a design piece.
For this mini project I created a Fairtrade poster for Teapigs.
The brand identity is modern, quirky and 'no fuss', so I wanted this to be reflected in my advertising campaign. I also thought a simple message would be the most effective approach to this brief, so I decided to go with a memorable 'no fuss' strapline....Always Fairtrade. My idea was to create the typography coming out of a teapot, to give the idea of tea being poured out. I decided to cut typography from a magazine to give it that quirky feel. I stuck the cuttings onto card to strengthen them and cut around using a craft knife. I also cut a teapot shape from sugar paper to form my stencil.
 I tested using my stencil with tea leaves and also with flour to see which would work better.

The tea leaves worked much better than the flour and were also more suited to an advert for tea.
I edited my image in Photoshop to brighten up the colours and also to tidy up some of the typography to make it a bit more legible.  I was pleased with the way the typography looked however I felt the design felt a bit flat and the teapot lacked the definition that he letters had. I decided to try adding a photo of a real tea pot to my design and I felt it gave the design more depth and it added another dimension to my design. I also added the logos and typography to create my finished poster.
I chose a mixture of upper and lower case typography to work with the magazine style cut out lettering. I chose to use the colour red to make my design look bold and to grab attention. The colour also works well with the brown tea. I am pleased with the overall outcome of my design. I particularly like the concept of putting the letters in squares as they look like tea bags or sugar cubes.

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